
时间:2024-03-01 06:54:34 座右铭 我要投稿
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  1、give me a little luck,and i'll try my best for the rest.

  2、those who dare to struggle are not afraid of difficulties.

  3、if you don't have patience and endurance,don't blame reality for being too realistic.

  4、there's nothing to complain about. every step today is to pay for every choice before.

  5、a person,want to be excellent,you must accept the challenge;a person,you want to be excellent as soon as possible.

  6、great power lies in our hearts.

  7、the journey may be very hard,but please work harder,and you will certainly pass.

  8、when the human brain is full of doubt,it is impossible to do anything constructive and creative.

  9、what makes you tired is not the mountain in the distance,but a grain of sand in your shoes.

  10、a person who realizes his ideal is a successful person.

  11、don't be depressed. life is like an electrocardiogram. plain sailing proves that you are dead.

  12、thousands of mountains and rivers,do not leave,for the ideal.

  13、seeing through and not saying through is a kind of education that does not make people embarrassed.

  14、in a hurry,don't miss the sunset.

  15、i can fall,but i just want to be a blockbuster.

  16、self confidence is not believing that you are strong,but that you will become strong.

  17、youth is pride,youth is wild,youth will make people mistakenly think that they are strong.

  18、life is like riding a bicycle. only by moving forward can we keep balance.

  19、it takes time,persistence and accumulation to learn.

  20、if you haven't made progress for a while,you have to think about changing.

  21、it's never too early or too late to care about your soul.

  22、people who fear self suffering are already suffering because of self fear.

  23、happiness will not come from the sky,we need to create our own actions.

  24、there is no brilliance waiting for;only beauty coming out.

  25、one point,one point,one point,one point,make a lifetime.

  26、if we keep changing and innovating,we will be full of youth;otherwise,we may become rigid.

  27、you can enjoy the happiness you can't imagine only after you have suffered the hardships you can't imagine.

  28、li cheng literature: remember what you get and forget what you give.

  29、life can not wait for others to arrange,to fight for and struggle!

  30、today's laziness will bring tomorrow's lowliness.

  31、those who can see through are full of vitality;those who can't see through are full of difficulties.

  32、i hope you can see the moon in the sky on the street full of sixpence.

  33、different beliefs determine different fates!

  34、people are great because of their dreams and achieve their goals as soon as possible.

  35、your idol is shining,you can't be angry.

  36、set goals in life,or your energy will be wasted.

  37、how can a plum blossom smell without a bitter cold.

  38、the flawed moon is a complete success because of its ceaseless struggle.

  39、life needs constant reminding and responsibility needs constant beating.

  40、confidence is not tomorrow will be better,but tomorrow is not good,i can live!

  41、you left that day,i decided not to shed tears,facing the wind to support the blinds,force does not blink.

  42、breaking up is like pouring cold water,which can never be completely recovered.

  43、sweat is the dew that moistens the soul,and struggle is the ladder to realize the ideal.

  44、the strong conquer today,the coward lament yesterday,the lazy wait for tomorrow.

  45、sunshine always comes after rain. how can we see rainbow without rain.

  46、all the lazy people who steal will be slapped in the face.

  47、failure does not mean that you are poor,but reminds you that it's time to work hard.

  48、efficiency comes from diligence.shortage in the play;achivement comes from thinking,destroyed with lacking of restraint.

  49、have a dream,even if it's far away.










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